«What does connect us? What does caracterise us as a team? What does it take for us to be successful in the long term? Karin took us on a walk through the forest with these questions in mind.
We were inspired and surprised by how many points of contact the forest offers to our questions and what new access it gave us to these topics. Many thanks for the valuable guidance and this very special forest experience.»
Swiss Excellence Forum, summer 2024 (Post in LinkedIn)
«Karin took us on an “indoor forest walk” and introduced us to the topic of sustainability from the most original perspective, the forest perspective - very instructive and likeable, with passion, infectious enthusiasm and combined with mindfulness exercises that took us out of the seminar room and brought us very close to the trees. Thank you so much for this experience, Karin!»
Julia Schönfeld & Susanne Walker, CAS Sustainable Management Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, summer 2024
«So many inner and outer images. Thank you for taking us into the forest in a mindful and structured way. We incorporated the inspirations and suggestions directly into our vision and intention sharpening in the afternoon»
Future Ready, spring 2024 (Post in LinkedIn)
«The combination of your forest expertise, and your skills in mediation, communication and personality development, for example, is incredible. Your own capacity for reflection is apparent, and this brings the authenticity required. You should keep going on this path.»
Merita Göldi, participant, winter 2022
«Walking in the forest with Karin is an experience that has many advantages. Two examples of this would be:
Saskia Günther, in her position as Head of Sustainability and Environment at SBB Infrastructure, summer 2020
«Karin led two hiking specials for us entitled “Journey to the Inside”. The mix of self-reflection, walking in silence and information on forestry and natural history was well received by the participants. Karin was very pleasant to work with. Her preparation and follow-up, as well as the technical competence, left nothing to be desired.»
Sabine, Head of Training ASVZ Hiking, spring 2019 and 2020
Hilfiker K. (2018): Der Wald als Organisation. Was wir unbewusst aus einem Waldbesuch lernen. Novum Verlag (The forest as an organisation. What we unconsciously learn from a visit to the forest)
Buchland Magazin (2019): Ein Waldspaziergang zu uns selbst (A forest walk to ourself)